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Personal Injury

Criminal Compensation Claim

If you have suffered an injury as a result of a crime, you may be able to make a criminal compensation claim. Our solicitors understand that as well as suffering physical injuries, the psychological trauma you experience can last a lifetime. Most claims for criminal injury are made on a Contingency Fee basis, so there is no financial risk to you.

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What is criminal injury compensation?

Criminal injury compensation is paid through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). This is a government authority that pays compensation to those who have been physically or psychologically injured by violent crime.

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Who can make a criminal compensation claim?

To be able to make a criminal injury compensation claim, you must be the innocent victim of a crime. For example, anyone who voluntarily becomes involved in a fight is unlikely to be eligible.

Criminal injury compensation may be paid to those who:

  • Have been injured (including those who have been hurt trying to prevent a crime).
  • Saw a loved one hurt or killed or were there just after the crime happened.
  • Paid for the funeral of someone who was killed.

Compensation may also be paid to someone whose close relative has died as a result of violent crime.

To make a CICA claim, the crime must have been reported to the police promptly. However, the CICA does know that there are situations where reporting a crime to the police is very difficult, and they look at each case individually.

Claims must normally be made within two years of a crime. Anyone who was a child when a crime happened has until their 20th birthday to make a criminal injury claim. There are exceptions to these time limits, so please talk to our criminal injury solicitors, who can advise you.

You can only make a CICA claim if it is worth at least £1,000. The maximum compensation the CICA can award is £500,000, but this is exceptional.

How can Davisons Law criminal injury solicitors help you claim compensation

At Davisons, we usually work on a Contingency Fee basis, so there is no financial risk to you if you make a CICA claim through us. We are dedicated to making sure you receive the maximum compensation possible, considering both your physical and psychological injuries.

Our criminal injury solicitors have years of experience with CICA claims, and we can support you with the application process. We will make sure you have strong evidence to support your claim.

If your claim has already been processed and rejected by the CICA, we may be able to help you appeal the decision.

We understand that talking about your experience may be upsetting, but our caring solicitors will do all they can to put you at ease.

Have any questions or need any help?

Our team of specialist lawyers are experts in their field. Be confident in their advice and decisions to help get the right outcome for you. Contact us today to see how we can help

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